Extensive bio, and or full musical history, available upon request.

Ivy Ray is a Mother. A Singer. A Creative. A formerly Signed Recording Artist. A Business Woman, An Entreprenuer. A published Song and Still Writer. A 26 Year Interdisciplinary Educator of Multidisciplinary Means and a Senior Teacher of Nevine Michaan’s Lineage of Katonah Yoga©. Ivy is A Native New Yorker. A Communicator. A Collaborator. A Session Singer, A Voice Over Artist and a Speaker.  Her forte for decades as a teacher has primarily been private instruction, One on One, and intimate systematic groups and partnerships. Her work has spanned from educators, therapists, elites in business, sports, literature, music and the arts, top women’s organizations, mothers, parents, to teaching and mentoring young adults, young Katonah Yoga teachers, movers and shakers, lots of regular ole human beings, the high price and rocky road to wholeness and overall well being at the hands of Childhood Trauma and all the wild and lovely in between. Ivy has been a unique and potent voice in Katonah Yoga Teacher Trainings Regionally and Globally.

Some Influences:in no specific order: The Natural World, All Relationships, Natural and Neuro Sciences, Course In Miracles, Gurdjieff, Alan Watts, Hermes, Nisargadatta and MUISC and its makers. Ivy is a forever student/Grateful Participant/Collaborator of LIFE. of LIVING, Of Loving, Of Humanity. Of Being A Woman this time around OF BEING A MOTHER, and is continually living through the pattern and waves of Geometry, Music, Measure, Cadence, Art, Comedy, Design, Film, all within the Intelligence, Power, Medicine and Cyclic Patterning of The Absolute; of Great Nature herself, The Seasons, as her Primary Living Breathing Blueprint On Earth, The Learning Ground.

She could fill a page, a book, with how living her life within and as music saved and Enabled her to Become, including the stories and tributes to the composers, singers, musicians, lyricists, and songwriters, producers, engineers and audiences that dwell forever in her world, her marrow, her heart.

Ivy has been a lifelong multidisciplinary mover, athlete, and dancer. When little, she realized that when she moved, everything was different, and if she kept moving she would be OK, Her finest, most formal powerful Education IS + ALWAYS HAS BEEN in the Experience of Life Itself. From a very young age, Ivy found school to be unsafe, damaging, and an awful waste of time. Ivy began singing, writing and meditating when she was very small. She had good vision, super sense-ability and a tremendous almost unbearable capacity for Feeling. She was aware of the Innate Creative Nature Underneath? throughout, at the edges of Life and in herself and had a Strong Vivid imagination/Mind, which held the comforting knowing of being someplace other than where she was as soon as was Reasonably Possible.

At the age of 15, Ivy left school and home far behind. She went On the road/onstage/and in the recording studio, in the Continuing Education of the Universe of Music. Her Seamless Fit, her HOME,which saved her life, gave her the freedom to be and develop who she was and Provided the Profound on-the-job training of Being in Continual Musical, creative, Intimate, Performance and Professional Relationship, the paramount human lessons of communing, collaborating, communicating, co creating, articulating, mediating conflict and so much more in others’ bands, into her own and eventually toured globally, wrote and recorded with some of the Eclectic Musical Greats. Ivy is a formerly signed recording artist, a published song, still and ghost writer, voice-over talent, studio singer, performer, life/business consultant and speaker.

Ivy is a natural Communicator. She has a Unique Powerful Voice and Approach to Life, Living, Loving and Educating. She possesses an Innate and well-developed ability to transform Complexity into Simplicity without missing a beat or loosing a thing. It’s One of the Keys to her Own Over All Well-Being, Sanity and Joy, so she knows it by heart. This enables her to reach/teach/be, get on, with just about Everybody. Ivy also Provides/Reveals/Reminds of the interconnectedness of things, ongoing, building a bridge of skillful means by which to pragmatically, creatively, even improvisationally implement all of what one is learning, being, in loss, in gain, in mind, in body, in spirit in experience into one’s Life Living,eventuall seamless, same, One Taste.

Ivy, her life and work is continually informed and morphed by the Emergent Wisdom of what has been, the Privilege and Great Joy of her Son and Mothering, the Natural World, Music and more Music :), Humanity, Conscious Movement, Neuroscience, Comedy, ALL Relationship, Her Family and Dear Peeps, Pups, All of those she’s Blessed to Work with Especially in the Private Lab :) everyone who makes Art In Response to Being Alive here, The Awesome/The Awful and the Daily Grace, Grit and Beauty of All Things Life.

About Katonah Yoga

Katonah Yoga is a syncretic Hatha yoga practice developed by Nevine Michaan over 40 years. She and her teachers incorporate classical Hatha yoga with Taoist theory, geometry, magic, mythology, metaphor, and imagination— in a practical framework designed to potentiate personal and communal well-being. Framing the practice, maps of time and personal space are defined and refined. The themes of using asana as origami, manipulating form for function, and developing a sense of personal measure are incorporated in Katonah Yoga practices. Katonah Yoga is organized around three principles of esoteric dialogue: all polarities are mediated by trinity; the universe has pattern, pattern implies intelligence; by virtue of repetition there is potential for insight. Disciplined techniques are organized for revelation through revolutions. KatonahYoga.com