June 8, 12-3 pm
June 9, 9 am-12 pm
Registration Here
Each Attendee will receive Nevines most recent Katonah Yoga Planner, complete with every map/geographical chart and supportive theoretical material to date in the Katonah Yoga Material.
Everything provides Insight. In the communal/the world, On the Line, the insight is You in relation to things, others, systems. You are continually shown how well you intersect. How you communicate, cooperate, collaborate, how quickly you can shift gears, change course, change mind, navigate territory, be timely. It's the daily test drive and calls upon you use your technique and skillfully manage/manipulate Space, Time, circumstances, others and always your self. Every road leads to You and there's always a wild card. We will work with the specific techniques associated with this as form determines function ability and good fit-ups function.
Practicing in Solitude takes place In Time, In the Round and the insight is you in relation to you. It provides the fundamental playground for better knowing/becoming of ones self, more evenly developed freely functional. Its the door to self-intimacy, care, kindness, safety, love, perhaps tending with a lighter hand, a softer landing and is always the sacred space for the inevitable work when things fall apart. This is where you remember, reorder, reclaim, where you restore, replenish, refine. Its where the therapeutic work of restoration and longevity primarily occur. It’s where you self manage/organize, where you find You at the center and grow/strengthen/ripen in the vortex of time. Additionally, a wealth of opportunity to simply figure things out, reevaluate, work on what you've lost, develop what you’ve never had. At least its this and more for me.
Practicing in solitude is the ongoing birthplace of you and your emergence. Your Insight is the growing ground of your unique contribution as a teacher or whatever you do. Your solo practice is yours and is developed by your design. It evolves as you, the seasons, your life and your needs change.
Join me as we work with both of these essential elements of distinct practice
Day 1: On The Line in SPACE
We will work with Explicit, your 2nd Nature, you in Space, on the line. Space is fixed, it is linear and provides reflection “a line of inquiry is reflected in response to memory”-Nevine. We will work w the Yang of you, the solar, the skill set side, the tough love side, Your Mobility, ability, agility and refer to the ongoing training of your beautiful mind in this. These are the tools and techniques that you use in your life and into the world on a daily basis. We will orient and organize via the Magic Square with a good solid pragmatic and esoteric breakdown of this Magical Grid, our primary map and its ever-evolving living content and uses.
Day 2: In the Round TIME
We will work with your 1st Nature, with the Yin of you, the lunar, In Time, in the Round, Time is the vortex of the present, it is spherical, “experience is circumstantial, it provides revelation, being Revelatory is Revolutionary”-Nevine. Your Stability, Wisdom/Patience side, your inherent potential, the hand you were delt, your heart side, your ancestry, your ever emergent self, into the Restoration and Longevity work and subtle practices of breath, mapped meditations, evolutions.
All Into 3rd Nature. The Implicit. Your soul imbued with Cosmic Material.
We will circle it all up In Integration, lst in Movement and then circumambulate our selves in an evolutionary meditation, weaving 1st, 2nd and 3rd Nature unified, as a braid, as One Taste, As All of You, thrice threaded into A singular Expression.
And at the end, we will open the floor to your questions!
All hours with Ivy go toward your Katonah Yoga Certification.
Your body is where EVERYTHING lives, happens + thrives. Grow/build a more safe, sane, functional, JOYFUL you, a viable, worthy container for all of what you are, duly prepared for what life may hand you and in an aim of becoming more evenly developed, freely functional, powerful, virtuous, women, men, leaders, teachers, parents, lovers, friends. ~ Ivy Ray